Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Uber-Man community observing the masses

God, my eternally tortured beacon shines wounded from afar, down in the hollow valleys of lesser thoughts of those lesser men, struggling to light that blood-stained glass of religion. The shattered glass dripping with Gods blood, his veins running free, his heart pounding with expectation of freedom, his mind yearning liberty. No longer could he be held in that golden throned cage, revered and worshiped, his screams of anguish silenced by the screeches of prayer. The imprisoned soul nearly leaps out of that sagged and wrinkled body, exhilarated by the notion of endless dreams waiting to be realized.

I seriously have a problem with the public discussion going nowadays regarding the draft law proposal. Without referring to the actual lettering of the proposal, the public reactions are simply absurd and childish to an extreme extent. I am so glad my involvement in these issues is less than minimal, but even though I cant ignore the winds of protest gusting in all directions. I read that one of the esteemed Haredi Rabbis, a spiritual leader that would have received my respect if his belief had been different, mentioned in his speech at a rally that the sacredness of land held above all by the 'Mizrahi' had distorted their thought, since as Jews we have no other value but the learning of Torah. I was staggered, not sure I could identify myself in any way with his words. Judaism I have come to practice has such a broader sense of responsibility and hopes, it encourages and educates society to so more than learning. Learning is a deep and crucial means to the much greater goal of Tikkun Olam; how can you be so blind to the realization of our national fate, the realization of God in our earthly world?
Reading such verses hurrayed on by the public press, by the masses gathering from rally to rally, deeply frightens me. I feel as though either I have grown disconnected from my tradition, dismembered of the national body, or I should, really soon, do just that. If the representatives of my faith think and express themselves in that manner, I have no interest being identified with that.
Asked from time to time what it is I practice, why, and is it exactly I worship, I must admit I don't have a perfect direct an rational answer. I do know, though, this is a journey I have taken on gladly an proudly, and I wont have tyrannical individuals restrain me, refrain me or my friends from doing whatever we think right, and staining our names by one-sided presentations of our beautiful and widely-interpreted faith.

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